Māris Priedītis. Extended Measurements

During Covid, people have to adapt, forget their usual things, adjust their senses, and now slowly coming out of the “caves” to start learning to use them again, wait for them to start functioning, but perception will change irreversibly. In the exhibition, Māris Priedītis focuses on the body’s relationship with the perception and the resulting Umwelt. He uses the camera as an extension of his vision, trying to perceive several things at once, purposefully distancing himself from cliché symbols and icons, but focusing on rhythms and structures to show how different perceptions can be, resulting in parallax between Umwelten and meaning.
Maris is a Latvian who was born and raised in Germany, studies philosophy and art history at Eberhard Charles University, Tübingen, Germany. He currently lives in Riga and participates in a mentoring program organized by ISSP. Creative and practical interests range from philosophy and art history to sociology and biology.